Using the Buddy List Feature
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M 7
Using the Buddy List Feature
If you use the AIM service on your PC, the entire Buddy List feature is not downloaded to your
phone. Instead, the first time you sign on to the AIM service from your phone, a Mobile Device
group is created and 30 screen names from your Buddy List feature are moved into this group.
Think of the Mobile Device group as your Buddy List feature that you use from your phone.
When you use the AIM service with your phone, you can communicate with the contacts you keep
in your Buddy List feature in much the same way that you would from your computer. If you are
already an AOL, Netscape, or CompuServe 2000® member, or if you use the AIM service on your
personal computer, up to 30 screen names from your Buddy List feature are accessible to you
from your mobile phone.
In addition, when you sign on to the AIM service from a mobile phone, anyone who is using AIM
version 4.8.2646 or higher, or AOL version 7.0 or later, will see a Mobile Device icon
next to your screen name both in their Buddy List window and in the Instant Messaging window.
This icon lets others know that you are using the AIM service from a mobile phone, and that it
may take longer to type messages, or that your messages may be shorter in length.
Buddy status icons
The buddy status icons give you information at a glance about a screen name.
Icon Description
An online screen name appears with no icon next to it.
This screen name is offline and can't exchange IMs.
Open conversation is in progress with this screen name.
You are declining messages from this screen name during
the current AIM session.
This screen name has set an Away message: the AIM user
is online but currently unavailable for instant messaging.
You have set an alert to be notified when this screen name
comes online.