WI-FI 32
W002 Wi-Fi Connection
The phone was
unable to get
an IP address
from the DHCP
server in order
to establish a
1. If WEP encryption is in use,
check that the key configured
on the router matches the key
e n t er e d o n t h e p h on e .
2. DHCP may be disabled on the
wireless router and there is no
other DHCP server on the
network. Make sure that the
option of DHCP is set to enable
on the wireless router.
3. DHCP pool may be exhausted
- Need to increase the range of
the DHCP server. If the number
of devices currently connected
to the WLAN is greater than the
number of IP addresses
available, then increase the
4. The wireless network the
user is trying to connect to is
configured for static IP
addresses only, check with the
system administrator for an IP
address assignment.
5. Check if MAC filtering is
enabled on the wireless router.
If it is, check that the phone
MAC address is on the Safe List,
if not, add it.
Error Text
Meaning How to fix it