ASUS Pundit P1-PH1 system
13. PS/2 keyboard port . This
purple 6-pin connector is for a
PS/2 keyboard.
14. Microphone port
. This
Microphone (pink) port
connects a microphone. In 4/
6-channel mode, the function
of this port becomes
Surround Speaker.
15. Line Out port
. This Line
Out (lime) port connects a
headphone or a speaker. In
4/6-channel mode, the
function of this port becomes
Front Speaker Out.
16. Line In port
. This Line In (light blue) port connects a tape player
or other audio sources. In 6-channel mode, the function of this port
becomes Low Frequency Enhanced Output/Center.
Audio ports function variation
Port Headphone/2-Channel 4-Channel 6-Channel
Blue Line In No function LFE Output*/Center
Lime Line Out Front Speaker Out Front Speaker Out
Pink Mic In Surround Surround
* Low Frequency Enhanced Output
17. Power socket. This socket connects the power cable and plug.
The functions of the Line Out (lime), Line In (blue), and Microphone
(pink) ports change when you select the 4-channel or 6-channel audio
configuration as shown in the table below.