The columns displayed in the <Active Calls> window are described below:
Column Description
CID Phone number and name of the caller
DID Phone number and name of a call connected to the DID
State Call status
Duration Elapsed time since call connection
Details Other information
Caller Information Information about the caller
Recently Forwarded To Recently forwarded phone number (up to 3)
Using the caller information and recently forwarded phone number
To use the caller information and recently forwarded phone number, select
[Contact Info.] of [Active Calls] from the [Columns] tab of [Options].
Modifying the Caller Information
Right-click on the <Active Calls> window and select [Save Contact] to save or modify and
save the caller information.
Only if the <Active Calls> window is in a conversation phase and information exists in [Name]
and [Tel No.], the [Save Contact] menu will be enabled.