
[ 157 ]
ring volume, setting 70
ringing tone, setting 69
ringing tones, download 76
ringing tons
polyphonic sound 70
rings and tones 68
e-mail address 49
phone book entry 44
street address 49
scroll keys 23
scroll through menus 23
security 99
lock keypad 99
phone lock 101
security code 100
security code
changing 100
security settings
call restrictions 103
phone lock 101
selecting call restrictions 104
selection keys 17, 22
serial number 10
service provider
differences 7
signing up 7
service provider, contacting 10
set the date 109
set the ring volume and tone 70
set up
your headset 34
your phone 12
setting time (manual) 78
setting time (network) 78
shortcuts 24
shortcuts, list of 25
software download 116
spaces, entering 39
special characters 39
specify a primary number 48
standard travel charger 133
start screen
about 16
indicators 16
menu number 23
starting a game 114
strings, touch tone 96
switch on your phone 15
symbols displayed on your phone 19
symbols, inserting 43
technical information 147
templates 60
terms 5
text conventions 6
text messages
e-mail messages 61
timed profiles 76
touch tones
length 95
manual 94
sending 96
storing 96
troubleshooting 148
TTY 8, 75
turn on your phone 15