File No.
File names (numbers) are assigned to recorded images according to the selected numbering option.
1. Touch the Menu (,_,,_)-_ Setting (@)tab -_"File No."
2. Touch the desired submenu item.
3. To exit the menu, touch the Exit (P;£_)or Return ([,:,) tab.
• Series : Assignsfile numbersinsequenceevenafteryou replace
or formatthe storagemediaor deleteallfiles.Eachfile
is givenwitha uniquefilenumberthat allowsconvenient
image managementona PC.
• Reset : Resetsthefile numberto 0001afterformatting or deleting
all filesor insertinga new memorycard.
When you set "File No." to "Series." each file is assigned with a different number se as to avoid
duplicating file names, It isconvenient when you want to manage your files on a computer,
Time Zone
You can easily set the clock to the local time when using your
camcorder while traveling.
1. Touch the Menu (l,_,,,i)tab -_ Setting (@)tab -_ "Time Zone" -_
2 Touch the left (_) or the right (_) tab to select the visited area.
3. Touch the (_,,) tab when the time zone setting is completed.
• The time zone set value is not applied if you finish the setting
with the (o_) tab without touching the (_,_) tab.
Home : The clock will be used according to your setting on the Date/Time Set
menu. Select it when using this camcorder for the first time or when
returning the clock to your hometown date/time setting.
® Visit (._): When you visit a different time zone, it allows you to use the local
time without changing your hometown time setting. The clock wi,
be adjusted in accordance with the time difference between the two