
Samsung Electronics
Service Manual
System Overview
8. Interrupt Controller (INTC)
- FIQ or IRQ mode operation selectable
- Programmable Interrupt Enable/Disable
9. USB interface
- Version 1.1
- Four 128x8 FIFOs for Data transmission.
- Interrupt based input / output interface, no DMA based interface support
- USB wrapper for AHB interface
- AHB Bus interface
10. Serial port interface (UART)
- Programmable Baud Rate
- 2 channel Independent Full Duplex UART
- Polling, Interrupt based operation support
- Max 16 byte FIFO to handle SIR Bit Rate Speed
11. Printer video controller for LBP engines (PVC)
- 80MHz video rate (Hummingbird 2 : letter - 21 ppm, A4 : 20ppm)
- video data transmitted through LSU Controller
12. Laser Scan Unit (LSU) Controller
- Laser Scan Unit (LSU) Interface for Laser Diode turn on/off timing control
- Sample & hold period generation.
- Auto Power Control for Laser Diode with PID control method using internal 10 bits DAC.
- LSU clock generation
- Brushless DC motor control clock generation
13. ADC Interface
- 4 channels ADC interface for analog devices such as temperature sensor.
- Programmable ADC Clock Cycle.
- Automatic or Manual AD Conversion support.
- 4 Special Function Registers for monitoring the ADC results for 4 channels.
14. PWM Controller
- 4 PWM output ports - THV, BIAS, FAN control and AC ELECTRIFICATION
15. Bi-polar Stepper Motor controller (MOTORC)
- Phase generation for the purpose of paper feeding
- fixed hardware phase and current table
- programmable phase and interval time
- Interrupt based phase change operation
16. Timer
- 3 Independent Programmable Timers
- Watch Dog Timer for S/W Trap
17. Miscellaneous
- Mux controlled 24 GPI, 28 GPO & 5 GPIO ports .
- Mutual exclusive GPO/GPIO ports control by the port control enable register
- Programmable Bus Master Priority.
- Project code added.