
Spinpoint M8-DVR Disti Product Manual REV 2.0
29 Power Management
Power management features are incorporated into each block of the Spinpoint M8. This allows the designer
to tailor the amount of power management to the specified design. Other power management features include:
Independent power management control for each block.
DSP block powered down and up when needed.
Disk Sequencer and associated disk logic powered up when the Disk Sequencer is started.
 Weak pull-up structure on input pins to prevent undesirable power consumption due
to floating CMOS
5.2.3 Read/Write IC
The Read/Write IC, shown in Figure 5-3 provides read/write-processing functions for the drive. The
Read/Write IC receives the Read GATE and Write GATE signals, write data, and servo AGC and gates from the
Interface Controller. The Read/Write IC sends decoded read data and the read reference clock. It receives
write data from the Interface Controller.
The 88C9410 which is embedded in 88i9422 is a sampled-data digital PRML channel designed to work with a disk
controller and a read/write preamplifier to provide the signal processing elements required to build a state of the art
high density, high speed disk drive. The 88C9410 implements a noise predictive, PRML Viterbi read channel
(supporting) zone-bit recording,
The read/write channel functions include a time base generator, AGC circuitry, asymmetry correction circuitry
(ASC), analog anti-aliasing low-pass filter, analog to digital converter (ADC), digital FIR filter, timing recovery
circuits, Viterbi detector, sync mark detection, Iterative code ENDEC, serializer and de-serializer, and write pre-
compensation circuits. Servo functions include servo data detection and PES demodulation. Additionally the
88C9410 contains specialized circuitry to perform various parametric measurements on the processed read signal.
This allows for implementation of self-tuning and optimization capability in every drive built using the 88C9410.
A 12-bit NRZ interface is provided to support high speed data transfers and from the controller.
Programming of the 88C9410 is performed through a serial interface. The serial interface is also used to read various
channel parameters that are computed on the fly. Time Base Generator
The time base generator provides the write frequency and serves as a reference clock to the synchronizer
during non-read mode. Automatic Gain Control
The AGC accepts a differential signal from the pre-amp, and provide constant output amplitude to the analog
filter. It’s capable of accepting signal ranges from 50 mV to 400mVppd. Asymmetry Correction Circuitry (ASC)
The ASC circuit is designed to correct for amplitude asymmetry introduced by MR heads. The compensation
range of this circuit is +/-30%. This circuit allows optimal bias current to be used independent of the
asymmetry effect.