84 Section 2H. Voice Services
Accessing Your Voicemail
Access your voicemail messages and settings quickly
and easily.
To access your voicemail:
1. Press and hold to activate voice recognition.
(The phone prompts you to say a voice
2. Wait for the beep and say “Voice Mail.”
3. Use your navigation key to highlight Call Voicemail
and press .
To clear your voicemail icon:
1. Press and hold to activate voice recognition.
(The phone prompts you to say a voice
2. Wait for the beep and say “Voice Mail.”
3. Use your navigation key to highlight Clear Envelope
and press .
Managing Voice Memos
Use your phone’s Voice Services to record brief
memos to remind you of important events, phone
numbers, or grocery list items.
Recording Voice Memos
To record a voice memo:
1. Press and hold to activate voice recognition.
(The phone prompts you to say a voice
2. Wait for the beep and say “Voice Memo.”
3. Start recording the memo after the beep.
To record a voice memo from the main menu:
1. Press Menu > Voice Kit > Voice Memo > Record.
2. Begin recording after the prompt.
To end the recording of your memo:
ᮣ Press , , or .
Sprint M320.book Page 84 Wednesday, July 16, 2008 12:46 PM