When you receive an off-hook voice announcement, you will hear the
announcement in the handset receiver or over the keyset speaker
while continuing to speak to the original party.
To answer the OHVA :
• Press the flashing C A L L button on your keyset. The original
party is placed on hold allowing you to talk to the announcing
p a r t y.
• To return to your first party, press the key corresponding to your
original call. This will disconnect the O H VA c a l l .
Your keyset can be programmed with an OHVA Block (O H B L K) key.
Pressing this key will prevent anyone from making and OHVA to you
until you press the button again and cancel the blocking.
Your keyset can be programmed with an OHVA Reject (R E J E C T)
k e y. Pressing this key while receiving an OHVA call will disconnect
the voice announcement and return you to your original call.
If your keyset is assigned to a station ring group, you can temporarily
remove your keyset from the group. While you are out of the group,
you can receive calls to your extension number but not calls to the
group number.
• Press the I N / O U T k e y. It will light red when your keyset is in the
g r o u p .
• Press the I N / O U T key again to exit the group and turn the light
o f f. Repeat as necessary.
If you do not have an I N / O U T k e y :
• Dial 5 3 plus the group number, e.g., 503, followed by 0 to exit
the group or 1 to enter the group.
• Repeat as necessary.
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