Active Speaker System
This unitfeatures anActive SpeakerSystem that provides high sound quality ina singleslim unit.
This unitdoes not requireanysatelliteloudspeakersor speakercabling, which are normallyassociated with
conventionalsurround sound systems.
Multi=function Remote Control
Thesuppliedremotecontrolcanbe usedto controlthe TVconnectedto thisunit.
Theremotecontrolhasa TVhotkeythat enablesyouto performvariousoperationswith the simplepressofa button.
You canadjustthe volume,changethechannelorcustomizethe navigationmenuofthe TVusingthis Multi-functionRemote
Special Sound Field mode
You can select from 7different sound field modes (NEWS, DRAMA, SPORTS,GAME, CINEMA, MUSICand PASS
(OriginalSound))depending on the type of content you want to enjoy.
Compatibility with various audio Technologies
Thisunitemploysdecoderscompatiblewith DolbyDigital,DTS(DigitalTheaterSystems)andSFE(SoundFieldEffect).
Dolby Digital
This is the standard audio signal format used on DVDsand other purely digital media.
This surround technology delivers high-quality digital audio of up to 5.1 discrete channels to produce a
directional and more realistic effect.
- DTS (Digital Theater Systems)
DTS provides a discrete 5.1 CH digital audio signal for both music and movie contents and uses less
compression than Dolby Digitalfor richer sound.
- SFE (Sound Field Effect) Using 32bit Audio Digital Signal Processing
Provides more realistic surround sound with normal stereo audio sources.
Wireless Subwoofer
Samsung's wirelessmoduledoes awaywith cables runningbetweenthe mainunit and the subwoofer.
Instead,the subwoofer connectsto acompact wirelessmodulethatcommunicates withthe main unit.