Advanced recordings
EV (Exposure Value)
Depending on the intensity of the ambient light, your videos and
photos may be too bright or dark. In these cases, you can adjust the
exposure to get a better videos and photos.
Press the Home ( ) button
touch “Manual”
touch the EV (
) tab.
Touch the decrease ( ) or increase ( ) tab to adjust the
setting values.
The setting values range from -2.0 to +2.0
STBY 00:00:00 [253Min]
EV : 0
Understanding EV (Exposure Value)
Exposure value is the total amount of light allowed to fall on the
photographic medium (Image sensor) during the process of taking
photos or videos. The higher the number, the greater the exposure.
For example, + 0.3 lets in more light than -0.3.
EV : 0
Back Light
When a subject is lit from behind, this function compensates for
back lighting so that the subject does not appear too dark.
Press the Home ( ) button
touch “Manual”
touch the Back Light (
) tab.
Touch the desired submenu item.
STBY 00:00:00 [253Min]
Back Light : Off
Submenu items
Off ( ): Disables the function.
On (
): Backlight compensation brightens the subject.
Back lighting causes the subject to be darker than the
It typically occurs when:
The subject is in front of a window.
The person you want to record is
wearing white or shiny clothes and is
placed against a bright background.
The person’s face is too dark to
distinguish his/her features.
The subject is outdoors and the
background is overcast.
The light sources are too bright.
The subject is in front of a snowy