
Notepad, 145, 184
OK Key, 33
One Touch Dial, 171
Online Album, 140
Operating Environment, 215
Personal Banner, 152
Phone Info, 174
Phone Lock Setting, 165
Phone Settings, 158
Pictures, 134
Placing a Call from Mobile
Web, 194
Power On/Off, 150
Product Performance, 223
Quick Search, 168
Re-assigning or Unassigning
Emergency Contacts, 119
Receiving Messages, 86
Recent Calls, 59
Recording a new sound, 134
Removing a Speed Dial, 118
Removing the Battery, 17
Reset Settings, 167
Resetting an Alarm, 183
Responsible Listening, 212
Restore Phone, 166
Restrictions, 163
Road Safety, 209
Security, 162
Send <Msg Type>, 64
Send Key, 34
Sending a Message to Group
Members, 116
Sending Calls to Voicemail,
Sending My Name Card
(vCard) by Bluetooth, 121
Sending My Name Card
(vCard) by Message, 120
Sending Name Cards
(vCards) by Bluetooth, 122,
Sending Name Cards
(vCards) by Message, 124
Service Alerts, 150
Set Directional Keys, 160
Set My Shortcuts, 159
Set Shortcuts, 159
Setting An Alarm, 182
Setting up Voicemail, 24
Settings, 143
Set-up Wizard, 21, 175
Soft Keys, 32
Sounds Settings, 146
Speakerphone Key, 35
Speed Dials, 117
Standard Limited Warranty,