P h o n e b o o k
Speed Dialling
You can speed dial a number stored in the SIM.
When the idle screen is displayed, press and hold
the number key (0-9) corresponding to the location in
which the required phone number is stored. To dial
the number stored in location 10, press number key 0.
Searching for and Dialling a Number in
the Phonebook
1. When the idle screen is displayed, press the
Phonebook soft key.
The names stored in the phonebook are listed in
alphabetical order.
You can also see the number of the selected entry
and the total number of entries in the phonebook.
2. To... Then press the...
Scroll through soft key (or the or
the phonebook key on the side of the phone)
until the required entry is
displayed in inverse video.
Look for a name Key labelled with the re q u i red
starting with a letter. Press the key once to
different letter find a name beginning with
the first character printed on
the number key, twice for the
second character, and three
times for the third character.