A data plan is required to use this feature. Charges may apply.
Please contact your service provider for further details.
Launching an Installed Google Application
1. From the Home screen, tap (
2. Tap the newly installed application. This application is typically
located on the last Applications page.
Android Development
This device can be used for Android application development. You
can write applications in the SDK and install them on this device,
then run the applications using the hardware, system, and network.
Because the device can be configured with system software
not provided by or supported by Google or any other
company, end-users operate these devices at their own risk.
Unknown sources
This feature can be used for Android application development. The
feature allows developers to install non-Play Store applications.
Press ➔ and then tap
System settings
Unknown sources
Unknown sources displays a check mark to indicate it is
If Unknown sources is disabled, those applications without a
certificate will not be allowed to download to your device.