Digit Dialing to factory defaults. (For more information, refer to “Reset
Digits” on page 59..)
Adaptation involves recording several sequences of four digits
each. The recording process takes about a minute.
Tips for Adapting Digit Dialing
Use Adapt Digits in a quiet place.
Make sure you wait for the beep before starting to speak.
Speak clearly, and say each digit distinctly.
If you make a mistake while recording a sequence of digits, or if there
is an unexpected noise that spoils the recording, re-record that
Only adapt digits if you are regularly having problems with digit dialing.
Once you adapt, digit dialing will not work as well for other people
using your phone. (You can always reset digit adaptation to its original
state, as described below.)
Adapt Digits
To adapt digit dialing, do the following:
1. At the Voice SVC sub-menu, select Voice Settings ➔
Digit Dialing ➔ Adapt Digits.
Your phone displays the first digit sequence and “Please
say” plays through the speaker followed by the four digits
appearing in the display.
2. Wait for the beep and say the digits using your normal tone
of voice. After a moment, the phone plays back the
recording and prompts “Did the recording sound ok?”
If the recording was good, say “
If you need to re-record, say “
If you say “No,” the phone prompts you to pronounce the
digits again. Wait for the beep and then say the digits.
Repeat this step until you’re satisfied with the recording.
3. After confirming that the recording sounds “ok”, continue
the recording process with the next set of digits.
4. After six sets of digits, the phone asks whether you want to
do more adaptation. Answer “Yes.”
5. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for another six sets of digits. After
the second group of six sets of digits, “Adaptation
complete” plays through the speaker and you are returned
to the Adapt Digits menu.
Reset Digits
To reset digit dialing to factory default settings, do the following:
1. At the Voice SVC sub-menu, select Voice Settings ➔
Digit Dialing ➔ Reset Digits.
r350.book Page 59 Tuesday, June 2, 2009 2:34 PM