Check new mail
(Menu 5.2.6)
Selecting this menu check the i-mode centre for
new mails and MMS messages and then retrieve the
new ones, if any, to the phone.
After checking, the screen shows the check result.
Mail settings
(Menu 5.2.7)
In this box, you can change the various settings
which are required for sending and receiving i-mails
and i-MMS messages.
The following options are available:
Edit header
: allows you to enter a mail header to
be inserted at the start of your mail text. If you
place a check mark on the
Auto attach
check box,
the header will be automatically inserted into all of
your outgoing messages.
Edit signature
: allows you to enter a tag line to be
inserted at the end of your mail text. If you place a
check mark on the
Auto attach
check box, the
signature will be automatically inserted into all of
your outgoing messages.
Reply marker
: allows you to set a marker to be
inserted at the start of the mail text when you send
a reply for an incoming message.
Auto play
: allows you to set a melody or an SMIL
slide, if any, to be automatically played when you
open a message.
Auto reception
: allows you to set the phone to
retrieve new messages from the server at the time
of their receipt.
Receive attachment
: allows you to choose types
of attachments you want to receive.