Entering text
Changing the case
To change the case of the next letter(s) that you
enter, press the key. There are three cases:
• Lower Case (no indicator)
• Initial Capital ( )
• Capital Lock ( )
To move the cursor to the left or right within the
text, press the Left or Right key.
Clearing letters and words
Press the
key one or more times to clear letters to
the left of the cursor. Press and hold the
key to
clear the display.
Using English mode
When inputting words in English mode, press the
key labelled with the required letter:
- Once for the first letter
- Twice for the second letter
- And so on
: To display the letter “C”, quickly press the
key three times. To display the letter
“K”, press the
key twice. This method is
called Multi-tap typing.
: The cursor moves to the right when you press a
key. When entering the same letter twice or a
different letter on the same key, just press the