NNeettwwoorrkk SSeerrvviicceess
Fun Box
The Fun box menu contains several fun options:
• WWW Browser
• Games
• Media box
WWW Browser (Menu 8-1)
Your phone comes equipped with a WAP (Wireless
Application Protocol) Browser, making it possible for
you to access the Wireless Web.
The WAP Browser allows you to:
• Access up-to-the-minute information via your phone
• View specially designed text versions of popular
Internet sites
Browsing the Wireless Web using your phone is
unlike using your computer, in that site providers
• Selected only the critical aspects of their site for
wireless phone users
• Removed most graphics
Each time you start the WAP Browser, the phone
connects to the Wireless Web and the service
indicator icon ( ) appears on the display to inform
you that you are:
• Connected to the Wireless Web
• Will be billed accordingly (rates vary according to
your service option)
Default group: you may set a default CUG with your
service provider. If you have done so, you can enable
the Default group option on your phone. When
making a call, you will be given the option of using
your default CUG, instead of selecting one from the
Deactivate: deactivates the CUG function.