
NNeettwwoorrkk SSeerrvviicceess
Fun Box
The Fun box menu contains several fun options:
WWW Browser
Media box
WWW Browser (Menu 8-1)
Your phone comes equipped with a WAP (Wireless
Application Protocol) Browser, making it possible for
you to access the Wireless Web.
The WAP Browser allows you to:
Access up-to-the-minute information via your phone
View specially designed text versions of popular
Internet sites
Browsing the Wireless Web using your phone is
unlike using your computer, in that site providers
Selected only the critical aspects of their site for
wireless phone users
Removed most graphics
Each time you start the WAP Browser, the phone
connects to the Wireless Web and the service
indicator icon ( ) appears on the display to inform
you that you are:
Connected to the Wireless Web
Will be billed accordingly (rates vary according to
your service option)
Default group: you may set a default CUG with your
service provider. If you have done so, you can enable
the Default group option on your phone. When
making a call, you will be given the option of using
your default CUG, instead of selecting one from the
Deactivate: deactivates the CUG function.