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AIIShare
Play/Group
cast
AIIShare
Cast
(with
Hub
accessory)
subset
feature
of
AIIShare
Play
,
this
allows
you
to
mirror
photos
and
multimedia
presentations
with
other
members
of
your
current
Wi-R
group.
Users
must
be
on
the
same
Wi-Fi
and
provide
an
access
code
to
join
the
group.
This
feature
functions
with
an
external
Wi-Fi
AIIShareCast
Hub
connected
to
a
.
It
allows
you
to
fully
mirror
what
is
currently
displayed
on
your
device
to
the
external
Important!
You
must
first
connect
both
of
your
communicating
devices
to
the
same
Wi-Fi
and
be
using
an
active/registered
Samsung
account
prior
to
using
this
application.
For
more
information
,
refer
to
"Wi-
Settings
"
on
page
.
For
more
information,
refer
to
"
Creating
a
Samsung
Accounr
on
page
12.
Important!
The
Samsung
account
manages
the
access
information
(usemame/password)
to
several
applications
,
such
as
AIIShare
Play
,
ChatON
,
and
Media
Hub.
1.
From
the
Home
screen
,
tap
t,¥.fl1
~
AIIShare
Play
The
All
Share
Play
screen
is
disi)
.
layed
.
2.
If
prompted,
read
the
on
-
screen
message
about
network
charges
and
tap
to
continue
and
return
to
the
main
AIIShare
Play
screen.
3.
Tap
Start
and
follow
the
on-screen
prompts.
The
application
contains
two
separate
streaming
media
options:
Registered
Storage:
allows
you
to
receive
and
playback
media
stored
externally
(server
,
laptop,
etc
.)
directly
on
your
device
by
allowing
you
to
add
a
Web
storage
service
for
streaming
content.
Registered
Devices:
allows
you
to
stream/share
selected
multimedia
content
from
your
device
to
compliant
device
connected
to
the
same
Wireless
Access
Point.
Applications