Microsoft Excel (.xls), Adobe PDF, or Plain text format; send files to
others via Bluetooth; and move or copy files to your memory card.
1. From Idle mode, press and select My Stuff →
Other Files
2. Highlight a file, then press
to choose from these options:
View: opens the highlighted file.
Send via: allows you to send this file in a Message (when
possible) or to a Bluetooth enabled device.
Delete: deletes Selected or Multiple files.
Rename: allows you to rename the selected file.
Move: moves Selected or Multiple files to another folder.
Copy: copies Selected or Multiple files to another folder.
Create Folder: allows you to create a new folder for file
• Sort by
: sorts the voice files by Date, Type, Name, or Size.
• Bluetooth visibility
: makes Selected or Multiple voice files visible to a
Bluetooth device.
• Lock/Unlock
: locks the voice file to protect it from deletion, or unlocks
the voice file to allow deletion.
• Properties
: displays Basic details about this voice file such as: Name,
Format, Size, Forwarding, Date created, and Location.
3. To view a Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe PDF, or Plain
text file, highlight the file and press or Options →