Pics/Videos 116
your service provider for the web site details to access and manage
your uploaded pictures and albums.
To create your Picture Messaging password:
1. Press , followed by for Pics/Videos.
2. Press for My Pics/Videos.
3. Select Online Albums and press
4. Follow the onscreen instructions.
Once you have received confirmation that your account has been
successfully registered, you may upload and share pictures and
access the Picture Messaging Web site.
To access the Picture Messaging Web site:
1. From your computer’s web browser, go to the Picture
messaging web site provided by your service provider.
2. Enter your Phone Number and Picture Messaging password
to log in.
PictBridge Print
PictBridge is an industry standard established by the Camera &
Imaging Products Association (CIPA) that enables a range of digital
photo solutions including direct photo printing from a digital camera
to a printer without the need for a PC.
Note: There are many PictBridge devices in the market whose
compatibility with the SPH-A920 cannot be guaranteed.
Printing From Your Phone
The SPH-a920 comes equipped with a built-in camera that allows
you to print images directly to a printer using the PictBridge