Get to Know Your BlackJack™ II
Open the back flap of the Getting Started Guide to review diagram
of key locations and functions. We recommend that you keep this
diagram open for reference while working through the guide.
Turn On/Off Your Device
Press and hold the Power ON/OFF Button located on the top of
the device.
Lock/Unlock Your Device Keypad
To Lock the device, press and hold the END key. To unlock the device,
press the Power ON/OFF Button then the LEFT SOFT key, followed
by the * key. If the device is locked, and backlight is off, quick press the
Power key.
In the unlock mode, after 30 seconds the screen will dim to save battery
power. It will finally power off after 40 seconds. To turn your screen on,
press any key.
Change Backlight Settings
Press the LEFT SOFT key to enter the Start menu.
Select Settings, then select Power Management.
Scroll down to Display time out, or Backlight time
out on battery, Press the LEFT or RIGHT side of
the NAVIGATION key to change the Display Time
Out settings.
Get to Know Your BlackJack™ II
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