The OfficeServ 7100 can be rack-mounted in a standard 19”data rack wall-mounted or set on a desktop.Its com-
pact cabinet design,RJ-45 connectors,and CAT 5 cabling allows it to easily integrate into any data center environ-
ment along with existing data equipment. Expanding the OfficeServ 7100 system is both economical and easy.
With a single cabinet providing 2 universal card slots,its low and high density card design allows greater flexibil-
ity when configuring a system for the right combination of lines and stations.A removable software pack MMC+
makes it convenient to upgrade to future feature packages.
The OfficeServ 7100 offers a variety of interface cards that allow connection to the public telephone network or
to private networks using either analog or digital circuits. Proprietary digital phones called “keysets”connect to
Digital Line Interface cards (DLM). In addition to these conventional digital keyset, Samsung offers a complete
line-up of IP terminals.These IP terminals use the latest Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology and can be
deployed over LANs or WANs. They are ideal for distant (remote) locations providing all the benefits of the
OfficeServ 7100 to home workers and road warriors. Standard telephones generally called “single line sets”con-
nect to single line interface cards (SLM).In addition,DLI station ports are used to connect peripheral devices such
as door phones and add-on modules.Miscellaneous circuits are built-in to allow such optional features as exter-
nal paging,music on hold,background music,and common audible devices.
All digital and IP telephones utilize a single PCB with surface-mounted components assuring the highest prod-
uct quality and long life. Samsung’s customary large, easy-to-read displays and LEDs in the button design make
them much easier to use. In many instances, sophisticated features are made simple through the use of friendly
display prompts or push-on/push-off feature keys.
The OfficeServ 7100 includes all of this, PLUS the same, robust, time proven, market tested feature package
offered on the OfficeServ 7200 and OfficeServ 7400 products.
• End to End Samsung components, Samsung Support and Samsung Training. The Ultimate in single source
Shopping and maintenance!
• The OfficeServ 7100 can also integrate into an existing office data network providing many solutions such as
isolating voice traffic onto the separate data network.
• The OfficeServ 7100 networks (via SPNET over IP or Qsig over PRI) to other 7100’s or any OfficeServ 7400,
7200, 500 or 100 systems.