
See contact
Select a contact from the list using the
keys. Then press the
key. By directly pressing one character, the phone will display the
first contact saved in the phonebook, starting with it.
The first menu proposed is
See contact
. Validate.
Details of the contact appears (name, phone number, call group, and
some other details).
Further screens display the other details of the contact:
Press the key to view the 3 phone numbers the email address,
company and comment for this contact.
Press the key from any of these screens to call this contact. Press
the key to go back to the phonebook.
The memory number of the contact (for example 21) allows you to call
him directly typing from the initial screen this number followed by *
(example : 21*).
Different icons inform you of the position in the phonebook where the
contact is stored:
contact stored in the SIM card
contact stored in the phone
if the Fixed dialling option is activated, only those contacts may
be called. See
PIN number 2
Fixed Dialling
Menu for more details about this activation.
Options from a contact saved
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