To change the phone code, you must first check that
it is active (Control phone code menu).
To activate:
To the question: Phone code?, enter 0000 and
confirm (press the right key).
Tick the Phone control box and confirm by
pressing OK.
To deactivate:
To the question: Phone code?, enter your code
(possibly changed) and confirm (press the right key).
Do not tick the Phone control box and confirm by
pressing OK: it will reset the code to 0000.
Once the phone code is activated, you can modify it:
To the question: Old phone code?, enter your old
phone code and confirm (press the right key).
To the question: New phone code? enter your new
phone code (a number of between 4 and 8 digits)
and confirm by pressing OK.
To the question: Verif. phone code? enter your new
phone code a second time to verify it and confirm by
pressing OK.Confidentiality messages
The function Confidentiality messages allows you
to delete automatically the numbers recorded in the
Call Services menu and the text messages that are
in the phone's memory when a new SIM card is
inserted. This function is activated/deactivated in the
menu Confidentiality messages.
myC-1_en_09security.pmd 22/12/2003, 16:1744