When routing straight cuts across a workpiece, clamp a
straight edge to the workpiece to use as a guide.
NOTE: Edge guides for the router are also available. See
Position the straight edge parallel to the line of cut and offset
the distance between the cutting edge of the bit and the edge
of the router base. Hold the router base against the straight
edge and rout the groove.
When routing a groove wider than the diameter of the bit,
clamp a straight edge on both sides of the cut lines. Position
both guides parallel to the desired line of cut and spaced
equal distances from the desired edges of the groove. Rout
along one guide then reverse direction and rout along the
other guide. Clean out any remaining waste in the center of
the groove.
When routing a groove, the travel should be in a direction
that places the guide you are using at the right-hand side.
When the guide is positioned as shown in the “guide inside”
illustration, tool travel should be from left to right and coun-
terclockwise around curves. When the guide is positioned as
shown in the “guide outside” illustration, tool travel should
be from right to left and clockwise around curves. If there is a
choice, the first setup is generally the easier to use. In either
case, the sideways thrust you use is against the guide.
See Figure 8.
Tilt router and place on workpiece without the bit contact-
ing the workpiece.
Turn the router on and let the motor build up to full
Gradually feed bit into the workpiece until the subbase
is level with the workpiece.
Upon completion of the cut, turn the router off and let the
bit come to a complete stop before removing the router
from the workpiece.
See Figure 9.
Clamp a straight edge to the workpiece as a guide.
Place the router on the edge of the workpiece without
the bit contacting the workpiece.
Turn router on and let the motor build up to full speed.
Gradually feed the bit into the workpiece using the
clamped straight edge as a guide.
Upon completion of the cut, turn the router off and let the
bit come to a complete stop before removing the router
from the workpiece.
Fig. 9
Fig. 8