Preset (default) Mode
This is the normal operating mode of the SIRIUS tuner. In this mode the SIRIUS tuner operates similar-
ly to the AM/FM tuner for channel up and down, bank selection and memory presets.
Next Preset
This button press accesses the next saved preset (6 presets for each bank) in the chosen bank.
Previous Preset
This button press accesses the previous saved preset in the chosen bank
Next Bank
This button press accesses the next bank (total of 6 banks).
Previous Bank
This button press accesses the previous bank.
Channel Up
This button press accesses the next active channel up from the current channel.
Channel Down
This button press accesses the next active channel down from the current channel.
Category Search Mode (
SIRIUS Radio is organized by Channel Category (e.g., Rock, Country, News). Within each category
is a series of channels (e.g., The Vault, The Roadhouse, CNN). Channel selection in this mode
is refined to scrolling only those channels in the selected category.