
one minute after that. This timeout is postponed for as long as the home theater trigger input has
12VDC present.
See Installation Menu on Page 50 and Power Management - Flow Chart on
page 69
1. SOURCE NUM Select the source number this feature will be configured for.
(Src #)
2. SENSE DELAY This option tells the controller how long to wait before looking for
(Delay) the source’s audio signal to confirm that the component respon-
ded to the command (if a macro is selected for the Power On
command). A sense delay must be long enough to allow the
macro to cycle through.
3. POWER ON CMD Tells the controller to turn on the selected source equipment (by
(OnCmd) SOURCE NUMBER) when any of the UNO System Keypads is
turned on. If “no,” procedure advances to POWER OFF CMD (step 7)
4. COMMAND TYPE Select the type of source command (e.g., CD, TV, etc.).
a. Selected: Learned IR Choose Learned IR if the pre-programmed IR code library does
(LrnIR) not support the source component.
i. LEARNED SRC – Select the learned source bank to be assigned to the source
(LnSrc) component. Procedure advances to KEY FUNCTION (step 6)
b. Selected: Unassigned The Power On command is cleared. Procedure advances to
(Unasg) POWER OFF CMD (step 7)
c. Selected: Default Default selects the same device type and device code previously
(Deflt) setup in BASIC SETUP. Procedure advances to KEY FUNCTION
(step 6)
d. Selected: Macro: (To build macros, see Macro Editor page 60)
i. MACRO - Macro loads a series of commands which are processed when
(Macro) activated.
ii. MACRO ID Enter the macro ID number. Menu advances to POWER OFF CMD
(MacID) (step 7)
e. All Other Selections: Procedure advances to DEVICE CODE (step 5)
5. DEVICE CODE Source component code for IR control.
6. KEY FUNCTION Select a function (Play, Enter, etc.).
Power Management (cont’d)