RoyalTek RGM-3000/REB-3000
GPS Module Operational Manual)
message section for <data>…<data>
CKSUM is a two-hex character checksum
as defined in the NMEA specification . Use
of checksums is required on all input
Each message is terminated by using
Carriage Return (CR) Line Feed (LF) which
is \r\n which is hex 0D 0A. Because \r\n are
not printable ASCII characters , they are
omitted from the example strings, but must
be sent to terminate the message and cause
the receiver to process that input message.
Note – All fields in all proprietary NMEA
messages are required, none are exceptional.
All NMEA messages are comma delimited
SIRF NMEA Input Messages
Set Serial Port 100 Set PORT A Parameters and protocol
Navigation Initialization 101 Parameters required for start using X/Y/Z
Set DGPS Port 102 Set PORT B parameters for DGPS input
Query / Rate Control 103 Query standard NMEA message and/or set output rate
LLA Navigation
104 Parameters required for start using Lat/Lon/Alt1
Development Data On/Off 105 Development Data messages On/Off
Input coordinates must be WGS84.
Set Serial Port
This command message is used to set the
protocol (SiRF Binary or NMEA) and/or the
communication parameters (baud , data bits,
stop bits, parity). Generally, this command is
used to switch the module back to SiRF
Binary protocol mode where a more
extensive command message set is
available. When a valid message is received,
the parameters are stored in battery-backed
SRAM and then the Evaluation Unit restarts
using the saved parameters.
Table 8 contains the input values for the
following example:Switch to SIRF Binary
protocol at 9600,8,N,1
Table 8 Set Serial Port Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $PSRF100 PSRF100 protocol header
Protocol 0 0=SiRF Binary, 1=NMEA
Baud 9600 4800,9600,19200,38400
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1 0,1
Parity 0 0=None ,1=Odd,2=Even
Checksum *0C
<CR><LF> End of message termination
SiRF protocol is only valid for 8data bits, 1 stop bit,
and no parity.
LLA Navigation Initialization
This command is used to initialize the
module for a warm start, which provide
current position (in X, Y, Z coordinates),