Turn the Time/Temp Set Knob clockwise until
the desired baking/roasting time shows in the
large display.
When you are using the Cook Time a&or
Stop Time button, the display shows hours
and minutes in the following sequence:
For settings from O-2 hours, the display will
increase in first a lo-minute increment, then
5-minute increments.
For settings from 2 hours-l 1 hours 55
minutes, the display will increase in 5-minute
The small display and BAKE will flash and a
tone will keep sounding until Step 5 is done.
Push the Bake Temp button and set the
desired baking/roasting temperature. The
small display will show the set temperature
while the large display shows the remaining
bakingroasting time. OVEN, TIME. HR, BAKE
and ON will come on.
The large display will count down in minutes.
The small display will show the actual oven
temperature until the set temperature is
reached. A tone will sound at that time.
When the baking/roasting time is completed,
three tones will sound. The large display will
show “0:OO” and OVEN, TIME and HR will
come on. A tone will sound every 10 seconds
until the Set/Cancel button is pushed.
8. Push the Set/Cancel button to return to the
time of day. If the Set/Cancel button is not
pushed, a tone will sound every 10 seconds.