
Table of Contents
Congratulations! You now own a Rolodex
Electronics Personal Organizer that holds up to
64k of memory. Using this organizer you can:
keep track of daily appointments; store and re-
trieve telephone numbers and addresses,
e-mail addresses, and memos; set two clocks
to keep time and date in 29 locations around
the world; perform metric and currency conver-
sions; set a Daly Alarm; and protect your data
with a password. You can also use the back-
light for easier viewing.
Getting Started............................................. 4
Key Guide..................................................... 6
Using the Clocks ....................................... 10
Setting the Alarms ..................................... 13
Using the Calendar .................................... 15
Using the Telephone Directory ................. 16
Using the Scheduler .................................. 18
Using the Memo Directory ........................ 20
Searching for and Editing Records .......... 21
Using a Password...................................... 23
Using the Calculator .................................. 26
Using the Converter .................................. 28
Replacing the Battery ................................ 31
Specifications ............................................ 32