
Com MOD COSM1/2 TVAOSC1/2 AP Syn Effects
Editing a Tone (Pro Edit)
Select the type of structure.
The icons that indicate each section show the parameter that is selected for each. You can turn each section on/off
by pressing the V-Synth GT’s buttons or by touching these icons.
By holding down [SHIFT] and touching an icon, you can jump directly to the editing screen for that parameter.
Com (Settings Common to the Entire Tone)
Parameter Value Description
Structure Type
1 This is the most conventional structure. Different sounds from OSC1 and
OSC2 are mixed by MOD, processed by COSM1 to create the tonal char-
acter (e.g., using SBF (Side Band Filter)), and then processed by COSM2 to
adjust the tone (e.g., using TVF).
The sound of the V-Synth GT’s new AP-Synthesis function can be mixed into
the final result.
2 This structure connects OSC1 and OSC2 asymmetrically. This is effective
when using a modulation that has the modulator set to anything other than
“MIX.” Typically, you will use OSC1 and COSM1 to create the basic sound,
then select the OSC2 sound and MOD settings to add variation, and finally
select TVF in COSM2 to adjust the tone.
The sound of the V-Synth GT’s new AP-Synthesis function can be mixed into
the final result.
3 In this structure, OSC1 is paired with COSM1, and OSC2 is paired with
COSM2. You can use a controller such as the Time Trip Pad to morph be-
tween the sound created by OSC1 and COSM1 and the sound created by
OSC2 and COSM2.
The sound of the V-Synth GT’s new AP-Synthesis function can be mixed into
the final result.
4 Unlike types 1–3, this lets you apply effects such as MOD to AP-Synthesis
sounds as well.
If you want to apply an effect such as MOD to the sound of AP-Synthesis,
turn the OSC2 switch ON.
5 If you select this structure, you’ll be able to perform using Vocal Designer. For
details on using Vocal Designer, refer to
“Vocal Designer”
(p. 146).
The sound of the V-Synth GT’s new AP-Synthesis function can be mixed into
the final result.
V-Synth-GT_e.book 86 ページ 2007年4月9日 月曜日 午後1時46分