VA-76 Owner’s Manual—Miscellaneous
Formant Up/Down— These two options allow
you to change the character of the selected VariPhrase.
See page 48 for details. This function can also be con-
trolled via an on-screen slider (see page 49).
Cut&Reso Up and Formant Up— This is a com-
bination of two functions covered earlier and the only
one that allows you to control two aspects simulta-
neously using the D Beam controller. This is the
default setting.
Pitch Bender
Use the fields in the center of the display to select the
Keyboard part whose Pitch Bend setting you want to
change. Surprising though it may be, you can also
specify a Pitch Bend range for the Manual Drums part.
Selecting values between “2” and “7” allows you to
achieve interesting effects that work well for timpani
sounds (of a 71 Orchestra set), for example.
Assign— If this parameter name is not displayed,
press the [i] field. Auto means that the part in ques-
tion only responds to movements of the BENDER
lever if it is assigned to the right half (SPLIT) or the
entire keyboard (WHOLE). On means that the part in
question always responds to BENDER messages, even
if it is assigned to the left half of the keyboard. Off,
finally, means that the part does not respond to
BENDER messages.
Pitch — (0~24) Select this parameter by pressing [m]
once. It is used to specify the maximum pitch shift
that can be achieved by turning the BENDER lever
fully to the left or right. Since there is only one param-
eter, it applies to both upward and downward bends.
Remember, however, that the Pitch value can be set
individually for each Keyboard part, so be careful to
set musically useful Pitch values. Select “0” for Key-
board parts whose pitch should not change in
response to Pitch Bend messages (alternatively, you
can set Assign to “Off”).
Note: The Pitch value you set here will only be effective
when you turn the Bender lever fully to the left (downward
bends) or to the right (upward bends). Intermediary posi-
tions of the lever produce the resulting intermediary bend
Modulation allows you to add vibrato to the notes you
are playing. This is achieved via an LFO (a Low-Fre-
quency Oscillator) whose speed is preset. By pushing
the BENDER/MODULATION lever away from you,
you specify the depth of this cyclic modulation.
Use the fields in the center of the display to select the
Keyboard part whose modulation setting you want to
Assign— Auto means that the part in question only
responds to modulation messages if it is assigned to
the right half (SPLIT) or the entire keyboard
(WHOLE). On means that the part in question always
responds to modulation messages, even if it is assigned
to the left half of the keyboard. Off, finally, means that
the part does not respond to modulation messages.
If you select the VariPhrase part, you can also select
and set additional parameters. Use the [i][m] fields
to select: LFO Pitch (tantamount to vibrato), LFO
Formnt (modulation of the character), LFO Level
(tantamount to a tremolo effect), or LFO Pan (cyclic
movements between the left and right stereo chan-
nels). The LFO’s speed is preset. The setting range for
these three parameters is 0~63.
For the VariPhrase part, the possibilities are as fol-
lows: Pitch (0~12), Time (0~63), Formant (0~63)
and Level (0~63). “Level” refers to the VariPhrase’s
volume. The other three parameters are the same as
the ones you can control via the on-screen sliders
(see page 49).
VA-76.book Page 188 Friday, January 12, 2001 12:35 PM