Precautions When Connecting and Turning on the Power
To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers or other devices, always turn down the volume, and turn off
the power on all devices before making any connections.
Do not connect anything other than speakers to these terminals.
Connect speakers rated at 4 ohms or higher; or if using the BTL connection (bridging), 8 ohms or higher.
Using an unbalanced standard phone plug and XLR-3-31 type connector at the same time shorts the XLR-3-31
connector's pin 1 (GROUND) and pin 3 (COLD), which may cause problems, including noise and the inability to get
sufficient volume. Use caution when connecting with unbalanced standard phone plugs.
Although the SRA-200E is protected from damage by the PC Limiter Circuits, take care not to connect speakers
rated at less than 4 ohms impedance or to allow shorting in the speaker cables.
(PC Limiter Circuits
see below)
Once the connections have been completed, turn on power to your various devices in the order specified. By turn-
ing on devices in the wrong order, you risk causing malfunction and/or damage to speakers and other devices.
(reverse the order when shutting off the equipment)
Connected Devices
To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not touch the terminals while the amp is on.
<About the PC Limiter Circuits>
If the speaker cable's + and - wires are shorted, or if speakers rated at less than 4 ohms impedance are connected,
the PC Limiter Circuit is activated in order to protect the speakers, and the sound may be cut off or distorted.
<About the Limiter>
The SRA-200E also features a Limiter Circuit. This monitors the power amp's output signal and protects against
noise and damage to speakers resulting from sudden peaks in the input.