
MIDI Implementation
System Exclusive Message
Status Data byte Status
F0H iiH, ddH, ......,eeH F7H
F0H: System Exclusive Message status
ii = ID number: An ID number (manufacturer ID) to indicate the manufacturer
whose Exclusive message this is. Roland’s manufacturer ID
is 41H. ID numbers 7EH and 7FH are extensions of the MIDI
standard; Universal Non-realtime Messages (7EH) and Universal
Realtime Messages (7FH).
dd,...,ee = data: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
F7H: EOX (End Of Exclusive)
Universal Non-realtime System Exclusive Messages and Data Set 1 (DT1) are the only
System Exclusive messages transmitted by the SH-01.
Universal Non-realtime System Exclusive Message
Identity Reply Message (SH-01)
Receiving Identity Request Message, the SH-01 send this message.
Status Data byte Status
F0H 7EH, dev, 06H, 02H, 41H, 41H, 02H, 00H,
00H, 00H, 03H, 00H, 00H
Byte Explanation
F0H Exclusive status
7EH ID number (Universal Non-realtime Message)
dev Device ID (dev: 10H - 1FH)
06H Sub ID#1 (General Information)
02H Sub ID#2 (Identity Reply)
41H ID number (Roland)
41H 02H Device family code
00H 00H Device family number code
00H 03H 00H 00H Software revision level
F7H EOX (End of Exclusive)
Data Transmission
Data set 1 DT1 (12H)
Status Data byte Status
F0H 41H, dev, 00H, 00H, 41H, 12H, aaH, bbH,
ccH, ddH, eeH, ... H, sum
Byte Explanation
F0H Exclusive status
41H ID number (Roland)
dev Device ID (dev: 00H - 1FH, 7FH)
00H Model ID #1 (SH-01)
00H Model ID #2 (SH-01)
41H Model ID #3 (SH-01)
12H Command ID (DT1)
aaH Address MSB: upper byte of the starting address of the data
to be sent
bbH Address: upper middle byte of the starting address of
the data to be sent
ccH Address: lower middle byte of the starting address of the
data to be sent
ddH Address LSB: lower byte of the starting address of the data to
be sent.
eeH Data: the actual data to be sent. Multiple bytes of
data are transmitted in order starting from the
: :
H Data
sum Checksum
F7H EOX (End Of Exclusive)
* The amount of data that can be transmitted at one time depends on the type of
data, and data will be transmitted from the specied starting address and size. Refer
to the address and size given in “Parameter Address Map” (p. 8).
* Data larger than 256 bytes will be divided into packets of 256 bytes or less, and each
packet will be sent at an interval of about 20 ms.