Editing a song
• Resolution
Specifies the note value interval to which the timing will be quantized. Choose the
shortest note value that occurs in the region you are quantizing.
• Strength
Specifies the degree to which the note timing will be moved toward intervals of the
note value specified in Resolution. With a Strength of 100%, notes will be moved all the
way to intervals of the specified note value. Lower settings of Strength will apply less
correction to the note timing, and with a Strength of 0% no correction will occur.
You may not obtain the expected results if you apply Template Quantize to
performance data whose timing is imprecise. In such cases, you should first apply Grid
Quantize to tighten up the timing of the data.
• Rate
This setting is available if you've set Type to “Shuffle.” It specifies the distance by
which backbeats of the Resolution note value will be separated from the downbeats.
You can create a sense of “swing” by shifting the timing of the backbeats. With a setting
of 50%, backbeats will be placed exactly between adjacent downbeats. With a setting
of 0%, backbeats will be moved all the way to the preceding downbeat. With a setting
of 100%, backbeats will be moved all the way to the following downbeat.
• Note Range
This specifies the range of notes that will be quantized.
For example if you want to quantize notes between C3 and C4, set the left and right
values of the Range parameter to “C3” and “C4” respectively. You can also set these
by striking pads.
Press (Execute).
The Quantize command will be executed on the specified region.
The Note Range parameter is
available if you've accessed the
QUANTIZE popup from the
ECS05_manual_e.book 98 ページ 2005年11月30日 水曜日 午前11時14分