Detailed Settings for Each Function
Changing the Key Touch (Key Touch)
The setting below allows you to adjust the response you get from the
keyboard when you nger the keys.
Parameter Value Description
Key Touch
An even lighter setting than
This sets the keyboard to a light
touch. You can achieve fortissimo
() play with a less forceful touch
than MEDIUM, so the keyboard
feels lighter. This setting makes it
easy to play, even for children.
This sets the keyboard to the
standard touch. You can play
with the most natural touch. This
is the closest to the touch of an
acoustic piano.
This sets the keyboard to a
heavy touch. You have to nger
the keyboard more forcefully
than MEDIUM in order to play
fortissimo (), so the keyboard
touch feels heavier. Dynamic
ngering adds even more feeling
to what you play.
An even heavier setting than
• This setting will change automatically depending on the Key Touch
Oset setting described below.
Making Fine Adjustments to the Keyboard
Touch (Key Touch Oset)
This setting provides even more precise adjustment of the key touch
than available with the Key Touch setting alone.
Here you can make additional detailed adjustments to the playing
response of the keyboard.
Parameter Value Description
Key Touch Oset -10–+9
The touch sensitivity becomes
heavier as the value increases.
When this parameter is set to a value that exceeds the upper or
lower limit, the setting for Key Touch (one of ve possible values) is
automatically changed to accommodate the value you’ve specied.
Setting a Constant Volume Level in Response
to the Playing Force (Velocity)
This sets the sound to play at a xed volume, regardless of the strength
used to play the keyboard (the velocity).
Parameter Value Description
Volume levels and the way
sounds are played change in
response to the velocity.
Regardless of how strongly you
play the keyboard, the volume
or character of the sound will be
xed at the velocity you specify.
Changing the Timing of Sounds in Response
to the Velocity (Velo Delay Sens)
This sets the interval from the time the key is played to when the
sound is produced.
Parameter Value Description
Velo Delay Sens (Veloc-
ity Delay Sensitivity)
As the value is decreased, the
timing of the sound is delayed
more when more force is used
to play the keys. As the value
is increased, the timing of the
sound is delayed more when less
force is used to play the keys.
Changing the Touch Sensitivity According to
the Key Range (Velo Keyw Sens)
This setting changes the touch sensitivity according to the key range
being used.
Parameter Value Description
Velo Keyw Sens
(Velocity Keyfollow
As the value is increased, the
touch becomes heavier in the
upper registers, and lighter in the
lower keys.
Specifying the Note-o Keyboard Depth
(Key O Position)
Parameter Value Description
Key O Position
Note-o will occur at the key
depth of a conventional piano.
Note-o will occur at a deeper
position. This is suitable for
electric piano sounds.