4-6 Cutting Test to Check Blade Force — , , , , and
Before carrying out actual cutting, you may wish to perform a "cutting test" to check whether the unit produces the cutout
This "cutting test" allows you to determine whether the settings you have for the blade force are appropriate. See below for a
detailed explanation of blade force.
* If a sheet has not yet been loaded, then refer to "Loading the Sheet" on page 7 to load
the sheet correctly.
Move the pen force control slider all the way to the left (minimum blade force). Increase
blade force gradually, keeping an eye on how well the sheet is being cut.
Press the TEST key
The resulting cutouts will then appear as illustrated. When
completed, first peel off the portion indicated by slanted lines.
If it can be peeled off by itself, without disturbing the square,
you will know that the blade force is at the appropriate level.
Next, peel off the square, and look at the backing that was
under it. If you can clearly make out the lines left by the
blade, you will know that you have the optimum setting.
Peel off first
Then peel this off
Use the , , , and keys to move the tool carriage
to the position on the sheet where the cutting test is to be
If you do not get results like those shown above, adjust the pen force control slider to obtain the appropriate blade force.
How to Adjust Blade Force
The pen force control slider is located on the right side of the unit. Move the blade force control slider sideways to alter the
blade force.
When slid to the farthest setting on the left, the blade force will be set to 30 g. As the slider is moved to the right, the blade
force will be gradually increased. When at the farthest setting on the right, the blade force will be set to 200 g, which is the
maximum blade force setting provided by the unit. At the center, the blade force will be approximately 120 g.
When making the blade force setting, it is important to take into consideration the hardness of the blade and the thickness of
the sheet to be cut, and set the most appropriate value. If the blade force is too weak, the sheet will not be cut satisfactorily. If
the blade force is too strong, blade life will be shortened.
Additionally, be aware that problems such as the following may occur.
• The sheet is easily torn
• The blade pierces the sheet
• Cutting extends through the base paper, and normal advancing of the sheet becomes impossible
• The unit suffers damage
Cutting test starts