
Speeding Up Screen Display
If the operating system and graphics card support OpenGL and the like, it may be possible for you to speed up the screen display. Make the
settings as follows.
1. In Dr. PICZA3, go to the [View] menu and click [Options].
2. For [Drawing Method], select OpenGL or the like, then click [OK].
3. If the screen display is corrupted, it means the selected method is not supported. If that happens, return the [Drawing Method]
setting to [Software].
3. Viewing the Results of Scanning
You can check the scanning results while viewing the results in various ways.
Manipulating the Perspective and the Zoom Rate
Changing the Display Method
Clicking these buttons changes the display method.
[Point Group] button This displays the scanning points as points.
[Wire Frame] button This displays the scanning results using wire-frame lines.
[Hide Lines] button This uses wire-frame lines but does not show areas that are in shadow.
[Rendering] button This displays surfaces and provides a view that most closely resembles the actual article.
Click one of these buttons to
enable the mode for shifting
the perspective or for
Drag the object.
Click one of these buttons to
change the viewing method.
View when set to "Rendering"
2. Scanning Operation 3. Viewing the Results of Scanning