Chapter 9 Connecting External Devices
■ Selecting the Transmit Channel
(Tx. Channel)
MIDI organizes things into “channels,” which are numbered
from 1 through 16. Simply connecting a cable is not enough
for communication to take place. The connected devices must
be set to use the same MIDI channels. Otherwise, no sound
will be produced, and no sounds can be selected.
Select the transmit channel (1–16) of the KF-90.
The channel setting is at “1” when the KF-90 is powered up.
If the keyboard has been split into right-hand and left-hand
sections, messages from the left-hand section are not sent.
The KF-90 receives messages on all channels from 1 through
■ Disconnecting the Internal
Sound Generator and
Keyboard (Local Control)
When connecting a MIDI sequencer, set Local Control to
“off.” The setting is at “Local Control ON” when the KF-90 is
powered up.
As illustrated, information describing what has been played
on the keyboard is passed to the sound module over two
different routes, (1) and (2). As a result, you hear overlapping
or intermittent sounds. To prevent this from happening,
route (1) must be severed, by setting the unit to what is
known as “Local Off.”
Local On: The keyboard and internal sound generator are
Local Off: The keyboard and internal sound generator are
separated. No sound will be produced by the keyboard when
it is played.
→ When connecting a unit in the Roland MT series, you don’t
need to switch off Local Control. MT units transmit Local Off
messages when their power is switched on. If you first switch
on the KF-90, then the MT-series device, Local Control is
automatically switched off on the KF-90.
■ Sending Recorded
Performance Data to a MIDI
Device (Composer Out)
When Composer Out is active, you can send performance
data recorded with the KF-90 to a connected MIDI device or
When you turn on the power, this is set to “OFF” (data is not
■ Sending Tone Change
(Program Change/
BankSelect MSB/BankSelect LSB)
A Program Change is a message that means “change to the
tone of the specified number.” The device that receives this
changes to the tone of the corresponding number.
When you choose a Program Change message (Program
Number), the Program Number will be transmitted to the
MIDI device connected to the KF-90. The MIDI device that
receives the Program Number changes the tone to the
corresponding Program Number.
Normally, the Tone is selected from the 128 Tones available.
Some MIDI devices, however, have more than 128 Tones.
With such devices, the Tone is selected through a
combination of Program Change messages and Bank Select
messages. There are two parts of a Bank Select message: the
MSB (Controller 0, with a value of 0–127) and the LSB
(Controller 32, with a value of 0–127).
* Some MIDI instruments can’t handle Bank Select messages.
Others can handle Bank Selects, but do not recognize the LSB
→ If you want to know more about how sounds are changed upon
reception of Program Change messages, please see “MIDI
Implementation” (Sold seperately).
Each note played is sounded twice
Soft Tru On
Local On
Local On
Sound is emitted
Sound Generator
Local Off
No sound produced
Sound Generator