
by the velocity data. To hear the effect this can have on a drum sound(s), listen to the demo
whilst making reference to page 45.
Control Display Ident.
Tune ‘tu’
Tone ‘to’
Attack ‘At’
Decay ‘dE’
Snappy ‘Sn’
Velocity ‘VL’
Only the controls relevant to a particular drum sound are available for selection with the exception of Velocity ‘VL’, which
can be applied to every drum. Here are some typical examples:
Drum Rotary Controls Display Idents.
TR808 Bass Drum Tune - Tone - Decay tu - to - dE - VL
TR909 Bass Drum Tune - Attack - Decay tu - At - dE - VL
TR808 Tom 2 Mid Tune - Decay tu -dE - VL
TR909 Crash Cymbal Tune - Tone tu - to - VL
TR808 Crash Cymbal Decay - Tone dE - to - VL
TR909 Snare Drum Tune - Tone - Snappy tu - to - Sn - VL
First, use the ‘Drum Select’ utility function to select the drum sound to be edited. Range = ‘OF’ & ‘On’
Utility Mode
Controller / Velo