
List of Preset Song/Demo Song
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Bach Chorales (Bach Chorale): Various chorales composed by J.S. Bach
Song Tittle Display Composer Memo
Chorale “Jesus, bleibet meine Freude”
BWV 147 Bach BWV147 J.S. Bach
Chorale “Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier” BWV 731 Bach BWV731 J.S. Bach Famous melody with impressive sound
Chorale “Nun Komm’ der Heiden Heiland” BWV 599 Bach BWV599 J.S. Bach Beautiful positiv organ sound
Chorale “Gott, durch dein Güte” BWV 600 Bach BWV600 J.S. Bach “Trompete” reed melody by pedals
Chorale “Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf” BWV 617 Bach BWV617 J.S. Bach Reed sound with soft tremulant
Chorale “Chris Lag in Todesbanden” BWV 625 Bach BWV625 J.S. Bach Principal chorus sound
Chorale “Wo soll ich fliehen hin” BWV 646 Bach BWV646 J.S. Bach 4’ reed melody by pedals
Baroque Organ Works (Baroque):Various organ tunes with Baroque sound
Song Tittle Display Composer Memo
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
BWV 565 T&F BWV565 J.S. Bach
Prelude and Fugue No.4 in F Major (Harpsichord) BWV 556 PreFugueB556 J.S. Bach
Concerto “The Cuckoo and the Nightingale” HWV 295 ConcertoH295 G.F. Haendel Various stops simulating the birds
Prelude in Eb Major BWV 552 Prelude B552 J.S. Bach Rich pipe sound with full organ
Noel Etranger No.8 - - - NoelEtranger L.C. d’Aquin Various reed and flue pipes with French voicing
Trumpet Voluntary I in D Major - - - Trumpet Vol. W. Boyce Trumpet reed sound without pedals
Fugue in G Minor BWV 578 Fugue B578 J.S. Bach Simple stop for famous fugue by Bach
Romantic Organ Works (Romantic): Various organ tunes with Romantic sound
Song Tittle Display Composer Memo
from “Prelude, Fugue and Variation”
Op.18 PreludeFranc C. Franck
Toccata from “Suite Gothique” Op.25 Toccata L. Böellman
Sonata No.2 Op. 65-2 Sonata No.2 F. Mendelssohn Symphonic organ sound
Andantino - - - Andantino C. Franck Simple but beautiful tune
Trumpet Voluntary - - - Tp Voluntary
H. Purcell &
J. Clarke
With orchestral trumpet
Trumpet Tune and Air - - - Tp Tune&Air H. Purcell With orchestral trumpet
European Organ Tour (European Org): A tour to visit small churches in Europe and their beautiful organs.
Song Tittle Display Composer Memo
Malle Sijmen
- - - Netherlands J.P. Sweelinck
Germany: Chorale “Werde munter, mein Gemuete” - - - Germany J. Pachelbel Chorale with positiv sound
France: “Dialogue Sur la grand clavier et la positif” - - - France F. Couperin Trumpet reed with French positiv sound
Italy: “Toccata per lélevatione” - - - Italy G. Frescobaldi Positiv stop with tremulant without pedals
Belgium: from “Psalm 24” - - - Belgium A.V. Noordt Simple stop with pedals
Spain: “Tiento de 1 tono de mano derecha” - - - Spain P. Bruna Without pedals
England: “Upon la mi re” - - - England Unknown Without pedals
Germany: “Passacaglia” BWV 582 Bach BWV582 J.S. Bach Finally back to Germany for Bach Organ
Ceremony Organ Works (Ceremony): Selected organ works for wedding ceremonies
Song Tittle Display Composer Memo
Ave Verum Corpus in D Major
KV 618 AveVermKV618 W.A. Mozart
“Largo” from Opera “Xerxes” - - - Largo G.F. Haendel Celeste choruses mp-f
“Rigaudon” from “Idomeneus” - - - Rigaudon A. Campra Rich pipe sound, alternating organ and harpsichord, full organ
“Salut d’Amour” - - - Salut d’Amor E. Elgar With orchestral oboe
“Wedding March” from “Midsummer Night’s Dream” - - - MendelWeddin F. Mendelssohn Famous tune for wedding ceremonies
“Bridal Chorus” from “Lohengrin: Act III” - - - WagnerWeddin R. Wagner Originally a choir with orchestra
C-380_330_e.book 78 ページ 2010年4月28日 水曜日 午後10時11分