
Printing and Cutting Limitations and Workarounds in Illustrator 9.0
Printing and cutting are subject to some limitations when you use the transparency feature in Illustrator 9.0.
This section provides details about cases where limitations occur and describes workarounds.
Effects That Limit Cutting (The Illustrator 9.0 Transparency Feature)
The cutting line (CutContour) may be printed if there is even a single object on the Illustrator 9.0 artboard to
which any of the following effects are been applied. This means that printing and cutting cannot be carried out
at the same time as long as any of these effects are used.
[Filter] > [Stylize] > [Drop Shadow]
[Effect] > [Stylize] > [Blur]
[Effect] > [Stylize] > [Drop Shadow]
[Effect] > [Stylize] > [Inner Glow]
[Effect] > [Stylize] > [Outer Glow]
[Object] > [Rasterize] (only when Background is set to Transparent)
When mode is other than Normal at the Transparency palette (Window > Show Transparency).
When Opacity is other than 100% at the Transparency palette (Window > Show Transparency).
When Make Opacity Mask is executed at the Transparency palette (Window > Show Transparency).
When Background is set to Transparent by Effect > Rasterize > Raster Effects Setting, the cutting line may be
printed when any of the following effects are used.
[Effect] > [Blur]
[Effect] > [Artistic]
[Effect] > [Sharpen]
[Effect] > [Sketch]
[Effect] > [Texture]
[Effect] > [Video]
[Effect] > [Pixelate]
[Effect] > [Brush Strokes]
[Effect] > [Stylize]
[Effect] > [Distort]
The cutting line is also printed if it is specified using Overprint Stroke or it an object superimposed over the
cutting line is specified using Overprint Stroke or Overprint Fill. However, You can avoid this by going to the
Print dialog box and selecting the check box for "Ignore Overcutting in Composite Output."
Workarounds for Limitations
One method for performing printing and cutting while using the effects with these limitations is first to carry out
only printing without performing a form feed after printing, then to carry out only cutting at the same location.
1. In Illustrator 9.0, draw the cutting line in a different layer than the objects you want to print. You can
create a new layer by going to the Window menu and using Show Layers to display the Layers palette.
2. Use the Layers palette to hide the layer where the cutting line is drawn.
3. In Roland ColorChoice, display Setup Properties. Select the Print tab, then click the Driver Option button.
4. Clear the Advance After Plot check box.