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Robin America has established the Robin Subaru Fulfi llment Center to take and
ship orders to anyone wanting Robin Subaru reference material. This allows
for the prompt fulfi llment of Robin Subaru part and service manuals, counter
catalogs, price books and other support material to dealers and end users at
the lowest possible price.
Robin Fulfi llment Center
PO Box 6978 • Rockford, IL 61125-1978 USA
Phone: 888-576-2465 • Fax: 630-563-0403
website: www.robinsubaru.com • email: info@robinamerica.com
Engine Support Material
These engines meet the requirements of California’s Exhaust Emis-
sions Standards for 1995 and later for Utility and Lawn and Garden
Equipment Engines.
As a California user of these engines, please be aware that unauthor-
ized modifi cations or replacement of fuel, exhaust, air intake, or speed
control system components that affect engine emissions are prohib-
ited. Unauthorized modifi cations, removal or replacement of the engine
label is prohibited.
You should carefully review Operator (Owner), Installation and other
manuals and information you receive with your engine or equipment.
If you are unsure that the installation, use, maintenance or service of
your engine or equipment is authorized, you should seek assistance
from an approved Robin Subaru engine dealer or an approved dealer
for your equipment.
California engine users may use Table 1-1 as an aid in locating infor-
mation related to the California Air Resources Board requirements for
emissions control.
Engine Warranty
The California emissions control warranty statement is located the back
of this manual
Engine Valve Lash See Specifi cations
Engine Ignition Timing See Specifi cations
Engine Fuel Requirements
This engine is certifi ed to operate on unleaded gasoline. See Fuel
Recommendations in Introduction.
Engine Lubricating Oil
See Engine Oil Recommendations in Introduction.
Engine Fuel Mixture
These engine have precision-manufactured carburetors which are not
Engine Adjustments See Adjustments
Engine Emission Control
The engine emission control system consists of internal engine
modifi cations.
Engine Overheats Air fl ow is obstructed at inlet or cylinder baffl e. Clean out
debris in baffl e.
Improper engine oil. Replace oil.
Lean air/fuel mixture. Check for plugged passages in carburetor.
Excessive back pressure on exhaust. Check muffl er and spark
Engine is overloaded. Change to rated load.
Engine Idles
Low idle speed. Adjust idle on carburetor.
Air is mixing at air intake connection. Check, tighten or replace
There is blow-by on the head gasket. Replace the gasket. 1
Improper valve clearance. Adjust clearance. 1
Excessive clearance between valve stem and guide. Replace
valve stem and guides.1