To take another lap reading during use of the Advanced Functions, while the timer is
running, simply press “B” and the next reading will appear.
Pressing “B” for 2 seconds anytime while in the STOP position will reset the Speed
Timer to all zeros.
From NORMAL TIME, press “E” five times to enter the Stroke Rate Calculator Mode.
A stroke rate is determined by measuring the time it takes to complete a certain activity
or set of actions and then calculating how many times that it will be completed in one
minute. For example, if a swimmer completes three (3) strokes in 10 seconds, than the
Stroke Rate Calculator will read 18 strokes per minute.
To operate the Stroke Rate Calculator, enter the number of strokes you wish to measure.
You may input from 2 to 30 strokes. Make certain the calculator is reset to all zeros by
pressing and holding “B” for 2 seconds.
To enter the number, press and hold “F” for 3 seconds. SET will appear flashing in the
brackets and the value in the middle row will appear flashing. Then, press and hold “A”
to advance. When you reach the stroke number you wish to use, press “F” to exit the
setting procedure.
Start the Calculator by pressing “A”. After the completion of the stroke (or activity),
press “A” again. The time for the activity is displayed in the bottom row while the stroke
rate per minute is displayed in the middle row of the display.
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