Before Sending Scan Files by Scan to Folder
Registering Destination Folders to Address Book
You can register the addresses of frequently-used destination folders in the ad-
dress book.
Register the folder addresses in [Address Book Management] under [Administrator
Tools] from [System Settings]. These addresses can also be registered as groups.
❒ For details about registering the address of a destination folder in the address
book, see "Registering Addresses and Users for Facsimile/Scanner Func-
tions", General Settings Guide.
❒ You can register entries in the address book using Web Image Monitor or
SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin. For details about installing these applica-
tions, see "Monitoring and Configuring the Printer", Network Guide. For de-
tails about registering addresses, see Help of respective applications.
❒ Depending on the machine type, you may not be able to use the machine
when it is updating the address book using CSV files (retrieved using Smart-
DeviceMonitor for Admin) that contain user codes.