Matching Settings to the Scene
1 Matching Settings to the Scene
Premium Shot
Choose a premium shot mode to match settings to the scene.
Premium Shot Modes
Cooking Adjust brightness and hue to make food look delicious.
Sweets Take pictures with the edges artfully blurred, creating a
rectangular or oval vignette in a white frame.
Auction Combine multiple photos to form a single image using the
layout of your choice (GP.41).
Party Capture indoor background lighting; the flash can still be used
to illuminate your main subject.
Night Scn
Use for hand-held shots of night scenes.
P mode Choose for access to nearly all the options in the shooting
menu (GP.71) when you want to adjust settings manually
Portrait Use for portraits. The camera automatically detects faces (up to
eight) and adjust focus, brightness, and color.
Night Portrait Use when taking portrait pictures against a nightscape. The
shutter speed slows down, so be careful of camera shake.
Loupe Optimize zoom for tighter-than-normal close-ups. Optical
zoom cannot be used.
Landscape Use when taking scenery pictures with abundant greenery or
blue sky.
Beach Take bright portraits on sunlit beaches or other brightly-lit
expanses of sand.
Snow Reproduce natural lighting in shots of snowfields, with portrait
subjects correctly exposed.
Sports Use when taking pictures of moving objects.
Photograph fireworks. Press " to choose from exposure times
of two, four, and eight seconds. Before shooting, mount the
camera on a tripod or rest it on a steady, level surface.