How Connect Copy Works
How Connect Copy Works
In this manual, we refer to the two machines as the master unit and sub-unit re-
1. Master unit
2. Sub-unit
As your original is scanned in, the image data is stored on the master unit hard
disk and transferred simultaneously to the sub-unit hard disk. As soon as scan-
ning has finished, copying starts.
The master unit is the machine at which you press the [Connect] key to enter Con-
nect Copy mode. When you do this, the other machine becomes the sub-unit.
You can use either machine as the master unit or sub-unit, but you cannot
change the relationship without exiting Connect Copy mode first.
Connectable Copier
You can still use Connect Copy even if no optional finisher or large capacity tray
(LCT) is available. However, the optional finisher must be installed in both units
in order to use the Stack and Staple functions, and the optional finisher and
punch kit must be installed in both units in order to use the Punch function.
Functions Not Available with Connect Copy
The following functions are not available in Connect Copy mode:
• Job Preset