Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function
Cannot scan to
send fax message
as scanner is in
use for other
The Copy or Document Server
function is in use.
To cancel the job in process, do the
following, and then try faxing
Press [Exit], and then press the
{Copy} or {Document Server} key.
Next press the {Clear/Stop} key.
When the message “
[Stop] key
was pressed. Stop copy-
” or “[Stop] key was
pressed. Stop storing?
appears, press [Stop].
You do not have
the privileges
to use this
This user code is not allowed to
use the function selected.
Contact the administrator.
You do not have
the privileges
to use this
This user code is not allowed to
use the function selected.
If the message continues to be dis-
played and you cannot switch the
screen, press the {Energy Saver}
key. Confirm that the display goes
off, and then press the { Energy Sav-
er} key again. The display will re-
turn to the user code entry display.
When printing under the copier or
printer function, press the {Energy
Saver} key only after printing has
has failed.
The entered login user name or
login password is not correct.
Inquire the user administrator for
the correct login user name and
login password.
has failed.
The machine cannot perform
Contact the administrator.
The selected
file(s) which
you do not have
access privi-
leges to could
not be deleted.
You have tried to delete files
without the authority to do so.
Files can be deleted by the person
who created the file. To delete a file
which you are not authorized to
delete, contact the person who cre-
ated the file.
Updating the
list... Please
wait. Specified
or sender's name
has been
The destination list is being up-
dated from the network using
SmartDeviceMonitor for Ad-
min. Depending on the number
of destinations to be updated,
there may be some delay before
you can resume operation. Op-
erations are not possible while
this message is displayed.
Wait until the message disappears.
Do not switch off the power while
this message is displayed.
Message Cause Solution